Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wrestling is Back!

We're finally settled in to our new apartment. The cable got turned on yesterday, and we got some great news. The way our complex is wired, they have to give the same service to everyone in our building.

As such, we get full cable (we only had the most basic package available) thanks to our neighbors. In return, our neighbors get the fastest speed cable internet connection that our provider offers. It's a great trade.

Thanks to having free (kind of) cable, I can watch televised wrestling again. This makes me happier than anything else in this move.

I normally go to bed around 9PM because I have to be up so early for work the next day, but I'm currently watching TNA wrestling, which is on until 10PM, and I'll do the same with WWE Raw on Monday which is on past 10PM.

Wrestling really brings out the obsessive geek in me! :)

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