Saturday, January 5, 2008


If you read this blog, please leave a comment on this post. I need advice.

For the second night since we moved into our new apartment, I've heard my neighbor beat his wife. They scream at each other, he smacks the shit out of her, I hear her slam into the walls, and I hear her cry like crazy.

The first time it happened, I called 911. An officer came and spoke to them. I heard the whole conversation. They both made excuses, and she said that he didn't hit her, only things, and that it was the baby crying (I can tell the difference between an infant crying, and a grown woman).

I don't want my neighbor to know that I was the one who called the cops, which is what's keeping me from calling again, tonight. Still, I hate to know this is going on, let alone having to hear it so clearly.

As I was typing, I just learned that this time it was our downstairs neighbor (the other one). The husband is outside, telling her to come back inside. I also heard one of them kick one of their dogs.

Is this the norm in Oklahoma? Should I just learn to ignore it? It really makes me feel like a terrible person not to help in this situation. What can I do?

1 comment:

Chris said...

I'd go down to the police station and file a formal police report. It should be able to be done without attaching your name to it.