Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sometimes I forget I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I go out of my way with social things. I now understand that, that overwhelms me. Yet every once in a while, I slip up and don't take it easy.

The past week or so, I've been dealing with our land lord issues here, looking for a new apartment, calling for quotes on repairing some damage to my motorcycle, spending time with my other half, and working in a call center environment. It's easy to understand that I shouldn't be doing all that. That's why I'm spending an evening completely alone.

Rachel is downstairs and is minding our dog's attention, I'm off the phone, and I'm just going to shower and play my DS for a few hours before bed. This should recharge me enough to make it through the rest of my week.

A year ago, I would have gotten stressed out at work, like I did today, and probably quit my job or played sick. Back then, I didn't understand getting socially overloaded, and it happened a lot. Work was the one place I couldn't fully control interactions, so it always hurt me. Now, I understand what's going on and can work at correcting it.

Today, I toughed it out at work and made it to the end of the day with a smile on my face, as well. I came home and spent about an hour with Rachel while I ate supper and we watched some How It's Built (great show, by the way). Now, I'm alone and it's so peaceful.

I'm glad I finally understand how my brain works! :)

(Picture is of my beautiful poison dart frog, Miso)

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